In the past few days,Patek Philippe has held The Art Watches,Grand Exhibition New York 2017. The exhibition has continued for 10 days. The purpose of the exhibition is to praise the precision watchmaking tradition of Patek Philippe. The famous brand has developed for 178 years. Patek Philippe has mastered the …

If you ask which TV drama is the hottest drama recently,I can affirmatively tell you —”Ode of Joy” is the hottest one. After the success of the first season,the second season of this TV drama is more attractive. Those main characters in the teleplay also gain many people’s affection. Tamia …

It is hard to imagine that a watch like the Reverso could become even more successful. With the creation of the “Reverso Tribute”-collection, this is exactly what happened. Inspired by the models from the early years of the Reverso-dynasty, the watches had a sense of style that was simply hard …

Watch events come and watch events go, but last Friday night’s star-studded extravaganza that started at the new replica Omega boutique in Sydney’s Martin Place, and carried on to a straight-out-of-a-movie private harbourside manor will not be forgotten quickly. Here are seven quotes from the night that speak volumes about …